SAMPASC stands for San Andreas MultiPlayer Advanced Scripting Community and is a group that was founded by DeathOnaStick and BoelieBeast on Jule the 8th 2009(at about 22:15 XD). In that team we try to concentrate on scripting our own Gamemode at SA:MP. This group is founded because we realized that every scripter has his own special experience. We use this to split the scripting-jobs out, so everybody can do in what he/she is good at. We use this to create a Server that is going to beat every other server in every category you can think about. We also use this team to find out what people want when they are playing on a server. This Information we are going to use to make the gamemode more interesting and exciting, because we want everybody to have a great experience on our server, that they will never forget.
Website-administrator DeathOnaStick
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